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Building High Impact Teams

by Aldeen Simmonds-Thorpe

Languages: English

Price (from): €1,200 / day

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About the trainer:

Aldeen Simmonds-Thorpe is a HR Transformation Strategist, Consultant, Coach and Speaker enabling businesses to solve problems and navigate human resource and operations challenges that result in more efficient processes and stronger, diverse and more inclusive teams while mitigating risk and maintaining compliance. With over 10 years’ experience in HR and operations, she is a trusted Advisor and Coach to entrepreneurs, business owners and professionals employing strategies that allow them to adapt, compete and thrive in local and global markets.

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Building High Impact Teams by Aldeen Simmonds-Thorpe

About the training

#building high performing teams   #developing team culture   #team culture improvement

Build high impact teams that understand how to communicate, collaborate and iterate to achieve team and organizational goals. As a leader building a high impact team, you will learn how to analyze, organize and utilize team strengths, how to hire complementing skill sets and develop team opportunities through practical and effective team development plans, tasks and activities. Learn how to transition from just a leader to an effective and strategic people leader leveraging the resources of your high-impact team. Duration: 8 hours

Learning outcomes

Manage Team Dynamics

Analyze, organize and utilize team strengths and opportunities to achieve goals together

Leverage Team Add vs Team Fit

Demonstrate the ability to differentiate between a skill and competence addition vs fit of required skills and leverage complementing skills to create a strong team culture

Manage with VICE

Use V.I.C.E. – Values, Information, Communication and Environment to create a culture of continuous improvement and high performance with practical and effective performance management plans and tools


  • The High Performance Case Study

  • Team Performance S.W.O.T.

  • Differentiating between Team Add vs Team Fit

  • The High Performance Team Framework: Development and Management

  • Developing Effective and Practical Team Development Plans

  • Managing and Measuring your V.I.C.E. – Values, Information, Communication and Environment

Main benefits

  • #Wide collection of the biggest experts
  • #Filters for all kinds of needs
  • #User friendly platform
  • #Fast and cheap
  • #Highest level of proficiency