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by Chris Coffey

Languages: English

Price (from): €22,523 / day

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About the trainer:

"I only get paid if a positive, measurable change occurs. Neither the person being coached nor the coach determines improvement. The degree of improvement is determined by the stakeholders/raters on the two mini-surveys over the course of the engagement.

I help successful leaders get even better by developing themselves, their people and their teams."

Chris started his career teaching Situational Leadership for Paul Hersey at the Center of Leadership Studies in the early 1980s. He later worked with the consulting firm of Keilty, Goldsmith, Boone and did leadership training at IBM, Warner-Lambert, Coke, McKinsey and Company, MetLife and GE.

For over 30 years, Chris has been in the leadership development world and has worked with and coached hundreds of key leaders and successful individuals – helping them develop the leadership to become even more effective. Chris’s coaching style is direct and well-defined around the Stakeholder Centered Coaching Process he co-developed with Frank Wagner and Marshall Goldsmith.

Chris has coached leaders in Fortune 100, 500, 1000 companies, as well as those in startups and non-profits. The common denominator for all the individuals with whom Chris has worked is that they are all successful, high-potential leaders whose organizations want to accelerate their development by having them work closely with a seasoned, dynamic, and effective executive coach.

Chris co-developed the "Goldsmith: Stakeholder Centered Coaching” and “Employee Engagement: The Manager as Coach” workshops.

Chris’s most recent book with David Lam is The New IQ, How to lead Up, Down, and Across. In addition, Chris is a principal author of The Coach’s PlaybookThe Leader as Coach Playbook; and The Leader’s Guide to Encouraging Development. He also co-authored the interactive CD series “Secrets of a Leadership Coach” with Dr. Daniel Farb and Marshall Goldsmith.

Learn as if you will live forever
Live as if you will die tomorrow
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Argumentation by Chris Coffey

About the training

#argumentation   #reasoning   #defend   #claim

What is Argumentation?

- Argumentation is the study of effective reasoning.

- Argumentation implies there is an audience.

- Argumentation is both a product and a process.

Learning outcomes


Find statement we want the listener to believe


Find grounds for making the claim


Find the main proof line from evidence to claim


Find a license to make the inference


  • Types of claims evidence , inferences, warrants

  • How to attack

  • How to defend

  • Language and style

  • Fallacious arguments

  • How does the argument belong?

  • How do they end?

Main benefits

  • #Wide collection of the biggest experts
  • #Filters for all kinds of needs
  • #User friendly platform
  • #Fast and cheap
  • #Highest level of proficiency

More trainings of the trainer

The New IQ

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