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Trusted Leadership

by Christophe Horvath

Languages: English, French, Dutch

Price (from): €0

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About the trainer:

Christophe is an inspirational OD practitioner, facilitator, trainer and coach, supporting purposeful organizations to better contribute to the SDGs, by improving and transforming their leadership, teamwork, talent engagement, strategic planning, and change-ability. His mission is to help inspire, energize and empower his clients so they can be the best they can be for the world.

As the founder, MD and lead consultant of InSpirAll Greater Life Creation Ltd., he has worked with Non-profits & Change Agents in Cambodia and Myanmar since 2016, and in Malawi, Zambia and Southern Africa between 2008-16. Since September 2018 he is based in Phnom Penh, Cambodia


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Trusted Leadership by Christophe Horvath

About the training

#trust   #work-life balance   #powerful personal commitments   #body, heart, soul and mind

“Between stimulus and response, there is a space. 
In that space is our power to choose our response.

In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”

Victor Frankl


Looking for (an) inspirational, experienced and trusted facilitator(s)
for your upcoming leadership, team, strategic planning or staff retreat?

Would you be happy to be able to count on caring and committed professionals who will:

  • design a process/event that is addressing your organization's specific needs and aspirations?
  • deliver a powerfully inspiring, energizing and truly transformational process?
  • make sure that the objectives are fully achieved & followed up?

Learning outcomes


Experienced and skilled coaching partner that you can trust, with the guarantee of full confidentiality

Work-Life Balance

Fully understand your need to balance your work with your private life, and your present with your future

Achieve Goals

clarify what it is that you really want, ​and therewith proven tool and processes to help you to achieve it


  • Organisation's specific needs and aspirations

  • The objectives

  • Purpose, vision and values of the organisation

  • Clear and actionable strategic plan

Main benefits

  • #Wide collection of the biggest experts
  • #Filters for all kinds of needs
  • #User friendly platform
  • #Fast and cheap
  • #Highest level of proficiency

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