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Influencing and Negotiation Masterclass

by Cristina Malita

Languages: English, Spanish, Romanian

Price (from): €2,979 / day

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About the trainer:

Cristina Maliţa is the founder and the lead coach at The Limitless Sky.

She is on a mission to empower the seekers and the high-achievers in organizations to lead with backbone and heart.

She has 7+ years of experience in leading digital teams (local, and fully-remote teams) across the globe towards exponential success. She believes that we’re at a time in history when we’re disrupting the old systems and paradigms about how we run businesses and teams.

She has undergone intensive coaching training in 2016 and since then has been coaching and facilitating individuals and teams into greater awareness, freedom, and a leadership style that creates exponential results.

Her work is based on psychological research, years of experience facilitating positive change and breakthroughs in coaching conversations, hands-on experience in leading training and masterclasses in organizations and on the wisdom that comes from her personal, professional, and spiritual journey.


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Influencing and Negotiation Masterclass by Cristina Malita

About the training

#negotiation skills   #influencing skills   #communication skills   #effective communicators   #influence without authority   #efficiency   #employee motivation   #leadership   #leadership skills   #awareness   #great negotiators   #confidence   #employee effectiveness   #better managers   #great communicators   #improved relationships   #work satisfaction

Top-down leadership is becoming less desirable and organizations are becoming flattered. The ability to influence without authority and to negotiate is a must for professionals moving to bigger leadership roles. Without this skill, you may find yourself not taken seriously and feeling frustrated at work. Almost every interaction is negotiation. By improving your negotiation skills, you can boost your confidence, get better results in the workplace and beyond. Influencing and negotiating is not about manipulation but applying analytical and observation skills to set up discussions strategically to achieve beneficial outcomes. Learn the art and science of influencing and negotiation and become a more persuasive leader. The best way to learn is by practicing and receiving immediate coaching. Influencing and Negotiation - Master the Skills A 3-day Masterclass This class offers the rare opportunity to step away from your day-to-day responsibilities to focus on developing a competency that will serve you the rest of your professional life. After three intensive days, you will emerge as a highly confident negotiator who truly understands the art and the science of influencing without authority — and be it. This is a learning experience where the participants will practice the 7 behaviors of the world's most effective influencers. This class is not classical training. This is a learning experience; an invitation to bring awareness to how the participants have been communicating and influencing their team members, colleagues, clients or other stakeholders. This class includes some deep work done in a safe environment. Over three days the participants will: ● role play, ● receive feedback, and ● reframe their negotiation strategies and narrative.

Learning outcomes

Work satisfaction

As better influencers and negotiators the participants will achieve greater work satisfaction and improved relationships with colleagues and partners

Increase their confidence

Acquire and practice new negotiation strategies and narrative to increase their confidence in real work situations

Communication skills and self-awareness

Improved communication skills and self-awareness that leads to improved results and a culture of cross-organizational collaboration.


  • Nature of influence (basics of communication)

  • Tools to formulate message better

  • Key elements of effective communication

  • Matching and Pacing in interactions with others

  • Matching and Pacing in interactions with others

  • An action plan

Main benefits

  • #Wide collection of the biggest experts
  • #Filters for all kinds of needs
  • #User friendly platform
  • #Fast and cheap
  • #Highest level of proficiency

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Building High-performing Teams

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