Since 21 years, Dieter Mößner has been working at Edelmann as a technical project manager.
He leads projects in Braille application, serialisation, tamper evidence and anti-counterfeiting of pharma and consumer good packaging and consults customers and artwork agencies in artwork creation, print data communication and typesetting workflows. Dieter composed parts of the guidelines “Braille on Folding Cartons”, published by the European Carton Makers Association ECMA. He is Convenor of CEN/TC 261/SC 5/WG 12 “Marking”. This working group at the European Committee for Standardisation CEN has created the European standards EN 15823:2010 “Braille on Packaging for Medicinal Products” and EN 16679:2014 “Tamper Verification Features for Medicinal Product Packaging”. Since March 2013, he has been chairman of the packaging standards committee NAVp at the German Standards Institute DIN.