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CV844G : DB2 12 for z/OS Basic Database Administration

by Dinesh Kanna

Languages: English

Price (from): €900 / day

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About the trainer:

Having 9+ years of relevant experience in IT industry & specialized in IBM Mainframe DB2 on z/OS. Activities include Administration of Production Database & System Programmer, System architectural solutions, Performance tuning & analysis, Automation reports and Implementation of disaster recovery.


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CV844G : DB2 12 for z/OS Basic Database Administration by Dinesh Kanna

About the training

#CV844   #DB2   #Mainframe   #DBA   #V 12   #zOS


This course will expose the beginning z/OS DBAs (Database Administrators) to fundamentals of Database Administration for a Db2 12 for z/OS. This course will teach the students how to physically implement a logical database design using DDL and teaches considerations of referentially related tables. This course discusses the use of basic utilities, program preparation, serialization, and basic database security. This course does not cover distributed data processing, nor does it cover data sharing.


  • Students who will be performing the role of Db2 for z/OS database administrators who need to acquire the basic skills required to administer a Db2 database.


  • Familiarity with the z/OS operating system, including TSO, ISPF, and SDSF
  • Familiarity with SQL data manipulation statements (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE) to access and change the contents of Db2 tables



  • Preface

  • Unit 1 - Db2 Relational database concepts

  • Unit 2 - SQL and SPUFI

  • Unit 3 - Db2 objects (Storage groups, databases, and table spaces)

  • Unit 4 - Db2 Objects (Tables, indexes, and views)

  • Unit 5 - Utilities

  • Unit 6 - Commands and program preparation

  • Unit 7 - The Db2 system

  • Unit 8 - Db2 Shutdown, startup, and recovery

  • Appendix A - Demonstration solutions

Main benefits

  • #Wide collection of the biggest experts
  • #Filters for all kinds of needs
  • #User friendly platform
  • #Fast and cheap
  • #Highest level of proficiency

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