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Leading virtual teams - 2 months online masterminds

by Enikö Balint

Languages: German, English, Hungarian

Price (from): €299 / day

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About the trainer:

Working over 10 years with large international corporations and startups, Enikö has a deep understanding of the challenges, companies face in the digital world. Due to her technical background as a software developer and management experience as a team leader of 22, in her current consulting activities, she builds a bridge between technology and people. In 2015 she founded betel, an innovation consulting company to support organizations in becoming agile and therefore adaptive to market changes. She consults companies in the following topics with a holistic approach: digitalization strategy, IT architectures, new organizational models, company culture and leadership. She majored in Computer Science and she is a trained Design Thinking facilitator.


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Leading virtual teams - 2 months online masterminds by Enikö Balint

About the training

#leadership   #agile   #home office   #remote teams   #digital products   #self-organisation   #future of work   #masterminds   #virtual teams

Being a leader in times of crisis...

Humanity is facing an unprecedented crisis with the spread of COVID19.

Remote work has become omnipresent, but are we prepared for the new challenges?

Complete businesses are at the edge of collapsing, rapid business model changes are necessary to digitalise products.

Isolation is leading to decreased motivation and undeveloped digital leadership skills to unclarity & productivity loss.

We need to tap into the collaborative genius and help each other turn the crisis into a chance. A small group of like-minded and result-oriented people can make a huge difference.

In two months the virus caused a drastic change worldwide. What kind of impact do YOU want to make in two months?

Become an impactful virtual leader with leadteal masterminds!

Together with leadteal you will be:

  • part of a supportive group of 5- 6 inspiring leaders like you
  • working on solving YOUR specific challenge(s)
  • in 8 weeks of focused work
  • accompanied by individual mentoring

This is NOT an online course, but hands-on focused work over the course of eight weeks (with option to extend the period). You can work on your specific organisational or individual challenge and get support from other leaders, who understand your situation very well and help you with their extensive experience. You can work on reorganising your company for remote work or digitalising an existing product, improving your self-management while at home or anything else that you need quick support with.

Learning outcomes

Supportive group

-define a challenge -track your goals -be accountable -receive feedback & new perspectives -get contacts and resources


-get clarity -receive inspiration -keep motivation -peer & individual mentoring -receive and give advice

Business network

-meet like-minded people -build up strong business partners -grow business through referrals -learn from peers

Leadership lab

-learning by doing -experiment in a safe space -homework and theoretical input to improve your leadership skills


  • weekly 1.5 hours group call

  • bi-weekly mentoring call

  • regular peer call

  • homework

  • theoretical input

Main benefits

  • #Wide collection of the biggest experts
  • #Filters for all kinds of needs
  • #User friendly platform
  • #Fast and cheap
  • #Highest level of proficiency

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