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Advance Data Analytics

by Federico Rosenhain

Languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese

Price (from): €1,250 / day

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About the trainer:

20+ years experience in Business Intelligence, Big Data and Analytics. On the last years he managed Datawarehouse and Big Data programs at Banco Hipotecario and Banco Galicia among others. The last 3 years he became keynote speaker at several Big Data and Analytics events in different countries as Colombia, UK, Sweden and the UAE. He is also founder of the Big Data & Analytics program at Universidad de Palermo and associate teacher in several universities such as Universidad Catolica, Uces and the innovation program at Monterrey TEC in Mexico

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Advance Data Analytics by Federico Rosenhain

About the training

#Data Analytics   #advance   #generate value from data   #solve the problem it in a simple way

8-hour training. Contents • Data Preparation • Visualization • Differences between reports and Dashboards • Augmented Analytics

Learning outcomes

Data Analytics Tools and Methodologies

The the class objective is to understand how to apply different tools and methodologies of Data Analytics to generate value from Data.

Find a simple solution

We will set a variety of scenarios that allow the students to understand which methodology applies to each problem and how to solve it in a simple way.


  • Introduction

  • Presentation of the tools

  • Debate and discusión about the problema solving approach

  • ''hands on''

Main benefits

  • #Wide collection of the biggest experts
  • #Filters for all kinds of needs
  • #User friendly platform
  • #Fast and cheap
  • #Highest level of proficiency

More trainings of the trainer

Introduction to Data Science

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