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Marketing Development and Segmentation

by Fred Mills

Languages: English

Price (from): €1,000 / day

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About the trainer:

Fred is a Senior Consultant of 30 years’ standing specialising in Marketing, Sales, Customer Service and Key and Global Account Management

He obtained his B.Sc Honours Degree from Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK. and a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) Degree from the Lancashire Business School in Preston, UK.  He also holds the Diploma of the Chartered Institute of Marketing

Fred ran a multi million dollar business in the Pharmaceutical Industry for many years before setting up as a Consultant.  In the intervening years he has worked with a number of ‘Blue-Chip’ companies including Mars/Masterfoods, Pfizer and GSK.

As a trainer and Consultant, Fred worked for three years with Europe’s foremost writers and thinkers in Key Account Management, Peter Cheverton and Prof. Malcolm McDonald where he was tasked with creating practical tools and strategies for the execution of their writings into best practices in many industries.


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Marketing Development and Segmentation by Fred Mills

About the training

#Understand Marketing Strategy   #Understand Marketing Strategy   #Understand Marketing Strategy

This interactive 3 day workshop encompasses all aspects of Marketing Development and Segmentation. In today's ‘always on’ society it has become more important than ever to offer something highly differentiated and special to the market. As the old saying goes “you cannot please all of the people all of the time” so it is critically important that organisations figure out who their most important (and profitable) customers are and then build compelling value propositions that talk directly to those important customers, in short, organisations need to Develop their markets and they need to segment their customers into meaningful sub-sets that can be spoken to (via whatever media route is chosen), directly. This workshop will cover all the topics your people need to learn how to develop and master these skills, including; • Marketing Strategy and the importance of Positioning • Why segmentation is important: concepts and benefits • How to Design of market research studies from start to finish: templates and tools • How to position a product or service offering • How to communicate results of the study to decision makers

Main benefits

  • #Wide collection of the biggest experts
  • #Filters for all kinds of needs
  • #User friendly platform
  • #Fast and cheap
  • #Highest level of proficiency