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Know you numbers - crisis management.

by Gary Keohane

Languages: German, English

Price (from): €1 / day

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About the trainer:

Gary worked as an occupational health and safety (H&S) practitioner as well as in environmental protection and fire safety and fire prevention for 20 years starting as a safety assistant and finished his career as an international H&S manager for one of the world‘s leading wind turbine manufacturers. He was the technical team leader for 50+ H&S professionals as well as being the overall Point of Contact (POC) for consultants globally. Although Gary is no longer practicing H&S as a profession, he is still very active as a trainer / workshop presenter (since 2006) as well as being active as an international event and motivational speaker. Gary‘s mottoes are: "Prevention is better than the cure" and KISSS (keeping it short, simple and sexy)!


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Know you numbers - crisis management. by Gary Keohane

About the training

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