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Train-the-trainer (4-day course)

by Gary Keohane

Languages: German, English

Price (from): €320 / day

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About the trainer:

Gary worked as an occupational health and safety (H&S) practitioner as well as in environmental protection and fire safety and fire prevention for 20 years starting as a safety assistant and finished his career as an international H&S manager for one of the world‘s leading wind turbine manufacturers. He was the technical team leader for 50+ H&S professionals as well as being the overall Point of Contact (POC) for consultants globally. Although Gary is no longer practicing H&S as a profession, he is still very active as a trainer / workshop presenter (since 2006) as well as being active as an international event and motivational speaker. Gary‘s mottoes are: "Prevention is better than the cure" and KISSS (keeping it short, simple and sexy)!


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Train-the-trainer (4-day course) by Gary Keohane

About the training

The Trainer Experience.

You'll have no doubt participated in some memorable training sessions in the past whether good or ... not so good. I certainly have! I've been involved in the 'delivery of training' since 1992 when I first stood in front of my fellow students during a military leadership cadre. So it's only too right for me to provide you with a quality training course to prepare you or your staff so they may set forth in the world of being a trainer.

Du hast zweifellos an einigen denkwürdigen Trainingseinheiten in der Vergangenheit teilgenommen, ob gut oder ... nicht so gut. Ich habe auf jeden Fall! Ich bin seit 1992 an der „Durchführung von Schulungen“ beteiligt, als ich während eines militärischen Führungskaders zum ersten Mal vor meinen Kadettenkollegen stand. Daher ist es für mich nur zu richtig, dich einen hochwertigen Schulungskurs anzubieten, um dir oder dein Mitarbeiter darauf vorzubereiten, dass sie in der Welt des Trainers auftreten können.

01.03.2021. Due to my continuing sabbatical year, this training is currently under review. The fees are on a per-participant per-day / flat-rate basis. Please keep an eye on this page for news and updates.

01.03.2021. Aufgrund meines anhaltenden Sabbatjahres wird dieses Training derzeit überprüft. Die Gebühren verstehen sich pro Teilnehmer und Tag / pauschal. Bitte behalte diese Seite im Auge, um Neuigkeiten und Updates zu erhalten.

Main benefits

  • #Wide collection of the biggest experts
  • #Filters for all kinds of needs
  • #User friendly platform
  • #Fast and cheap
  • #Highest level of proficiency