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From business value to technology value. The hard road to success.

by Guðmundur Jón Halldórsson

Languages: English, Icelandic

Price (from): €4,800 / day

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About the trainer:

In today’s digital era, CIO is stared to learn the true value of the ability to push changes through the pipelines fast but at the same time while delivering business value deliver technology value. If the company’s core engine (your teams + CI) are not optimized correctly your will face higher maintain cost and the ratio between the number of developers in your maintainer's team vs the number of developers in the new business value will cause your company not being able to compete with your competitors.

Often the requirements are misunderstood caused by the absence of a framework for working together. This problem caused customers to move over to their competitors. Our approach is to simplify rollouts and allow changes to be tried as early in the process as possible even in the wireframe phase.


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From business value to technology value. The hard road to success. by Guðmundur Jón Halldórsson

About the training

#Fast delivery using optimized continuous delivery pipeline   #Strong happier teams   #Visualize present your entire company’s software architecture   #Work together framework

In today’s digital era, CIO is stared to learn the true value of the ability to push changes through the pipelines fast but at the same time while delivering business value deliver technology value. If the company’s core engine (your teams + CI) are not optimized correctly your will face higher maintain cost and the ratio between the number of developers in your maintainer's team vs the number of developers in the new business value will cause your company not being able to compete with your competitors. Often the requirements are misunderstood caused by the absence of a framework for working together. This problem caused customers to move over to their competitors. Our approach is to simplify rollouts and allow changes to be tried as early in the process as possible even in the wireframe phase.

Learning outcomes

Delivery pipeline

Optimized continuous delivery pipeline

Stronger teams

Stronger teams with the right processes and tools to deliver higher quality software. Framework for working together

Communication visual language

Same communication visual language used by the business people and the software people


  • Continuous delivery pipeline

  • Strong teams

  • Visualize your company

  • Work together framework

Main benefits

  • #Wide collection of the biggest experts
  • #Filters for all kinds of needs
  • #User friendly platform
  • #Fast and cheap
  • #Highest level of proficiency