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Isabelle Litzler

Languages: English, French

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Hi, my name is Isabelle Litzler and I describe myself as an Entrepreneur and Consultant. I help leaders grow their careers in Switzerland via training and networking connections. * Global HR Manager with 10+ yrs experience * Regular lecturer in International Business Schools on courses such as Training and Development / Recruitment / Career Management (EURES - European Mobility org), ISFOGEP and EU Business School * Entrepreneur at heart, open to ventures and partnerships * A true Networker connected with a vast array of people and businesses in Switzerland in both commercial and Not-For-Profit sectors. When I am not working, I enjoy learning on topics related to Digital, Artificial Intelligence and Psychology. I also like lakes, spas and fashion. FEATURED IN: ​ BLOG WITH MELITTA CAMPBELL INTERVIEW WITH EPFL UNIVERSITY BLOG WITH JUST CREATIVE PODCAST WITH AMY SMALARZ TROPHEE PLACE DES AFFAIRES 2009