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Business processes management

by Javanshir Abdullayev

Languages: English

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About the trainer:

Experienced manager, macroeconomist, advanced management consultant and trainer and director at Azerbaijan Bank Training Center.

Provides trainings on various business topics: 

Financial Markets & Financial Tools, FRM | Part 1, Credit Risk Management in Banks, Risk Management in Banks, Assets classification and provisions in banks, The recommendation of the Basel Committee on Risks, Organization of anti-corruption in banks, Stress testing, Image and strategic risk management, Market risks management, Credit Risk Management, Liquidity Risk Management, Organization of risk management, Anti-Money Laundering Measures.


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Business processes management by Javanshir Abdullayev

About the training

#6Sigma   #qualitymanagement   #processimprovements   #processanalysis   #processmaps   #processcharts

Duration: 8 hours (twice a week for 4 hours) Target Group Managers & specialists charged in organization of bank processes, Managers of Structural Units, Internal Audit Language Azerbaijan

Learning outcomes

Methods of process improvements

Essence of 3 methods of process improvements (quality management, reengineering and 6 sigma)

Quality of customer service

Improving quality of customer service through optimization of business processes

Reduced operational costs

Reducing of operational costs through optimization of business processes


  • Module 1: Principles of efficient organization of business processes

  • Module 2: Methods of process improvements

  • Module 2: Reorganization

  • Module 2: Quality management

  • Module 2: 6 Sigma

  • Module 3: Methods of process analysis

  • Module 3: Quality improvement through optimization of processes

  • Module 3: Revision of business processes and reducing of operational costs

Main benefits

  • #Wide collection of the biggest experts
  • #Filters for all kinds of needs
  • #User friendly platform
  • #Fast and cheap
  • #Highest level of proficiency