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Operational Risk Management

by Javanshir Abdullayev

Languages: English

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About the trainer:

Experienced manager, macroeconomist, advanced management consultant and trainer and director at Azerbaijan Bank Training Center.

Provides trainings on various business topics: 

Financial Markets & Financial Tools, FRM | Part 1, Credit Risk Management in Banks, Risk Management in Banks, Assets classification and provisions in banks, The recommendation of the Basel Committee on Risks, Organization of anti-corruption in banks, Stress testing, Image and strategic risk management, Market risks management, Credit Risk Management, Liquidity Risk Management, Organization of risk management, Anti-Money Laundering Measures.


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Operational Risk Management by Javanshir Abdullayev

About the training

#riskmartix   #operationalrisksmeasurementmethods   #mitigationtools

Duration: 12 hours (three times a week for 4 hours) Target Group Employees of risk and audit departments of banks, managers of structure units Language Azerbaijan

Learning outcomes

Manage the operational risks

The essence, types and mitigation tools of operational risks

Developing important ORM

Develop risk martix, including risk maps, risk policies and emergency plans

Application ORM methods

Application of operational risks' measurement methods, including stress testing and Value at Risk method


  • Module 1. The essence of operational risks, international and national norms

  • Module 2. Types of operational risks and mitigation tools

  • Module 3. Operational risks' measurement tools

  • Module 4. Risk matrix and emergency plans

Main benefits

  • #Wide collection of the biggest experts
  • #Filters for all kinds of needs
  • #User friendly platform
  • #Fast and cheap
  • #Highest level of proficiency