Languages: English
Experienced manager, macroeconomist, advanced management consultant and trainer and director at Azerbaijan Bank Training Center.
Provides trainings on various business topics:
Financial Markets & Financial Tools, FRM | Part 1, Credit Risk Management in Banks, Risk Management in Banks, Assets classification and provisions in banks, The recommendation of the Basel Committee on Risks, Organization of anti-corruption in banks, Stress testing, Image and strategic risk management, Market risks management, Credit Risk Management, Liquidity Risk Management, Organization of risk management, Anti-Money Laundering Measures.
About the training
#growth strategy #identification of Vision & Mission #phases of planning #types of plans #monitoring of plans implementation #organization of plans implementation #specifics of approval & revision of plans #reporting systems on plans implementation
Duration: 12 hours (Saturdays for 6 hours) Target Group: Chairman & Members of Supervisory Board, Chairman & Members of Audit Committee, Chairman & Members of Management Board, Members of Strategic Planning Group, Internal Audit Language: Azerbaijan
Definition of growth oriented & profit oriented strategy and selection of appropriate strategy
Development of operational plans, identification of goals for structural units and employees,
Financial planning, components included in financial planning
Module 1: Factors for successful business
Module 1: The essence and necessity of strategic management
Module 1: CBA’s normative acts on planning
Module 2: Phases of strategic planning process
Module 2: Growth, profit & expectation oriented strategies – conditional criteria
Module 3: Operational planning
Module 3: Identification of structural units’ goals
Module 3: Identification of employees’ goals
Module 4: Financial planning
Module 4: Identification of financial targets
Module 4: Planning of efficiency indicators
Module 5: Approval & revision of plans
Module 5: Organization of plans’ implementation
Module 5:Reporting
Module 5: Control of plans’ implementation
Final test