Languages: English
Price (from): €2,000 / day
Share ShareHave been involved in heath and safety training and development since 2005 not only in the United Kingdom but also in the Middle East North Africa Region. Have extensive experience in providing training and development solutions for a multitude of companies in the UK and GCC by advising them on the effectiveness of their training procedures, but also carrying out business development within the MENA Region aimed at the oil, gas and petrochemical industry. Qualified as a Remote Areas Medic from the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh for Medicine in Remote Areas, have worked in Oman, Iraq, Nigeria ,UAE, Qatar, Algeria, Jordan, Norway, China, Highlands of Scotland & Snowdonia providing medical support and health and safety training to a variety of clients in hostile environments such as mountain and desert regions. These have included a multitude of companies from government departments to TV crews. Have consulted on training and development to a multitude of companies from the telecommunications industry, airports, military, local government, specialised security industry, construction industry, arborist, theatres & restaurants, tailoring their training to what they require. Have consulted a number of training companies developing their organisational and understanding of health and safety policies and behavioral safety. Liaised with training companies to design and develop bespoke training programmes and the establishment of a training budget.
About the training
Developed and based on the military medics one-day Battlefield Casualty Drills Course the Catastrophic Bleed Management Course is aimed at teaching people how to provide life – saving treatment before the arrival of the emergency services in the event of an incident. While many people know how to react to a medical emergency such as a heart attack and asthma attack, a different approach is needed to act effectively after a catastrophic injury from a bomb blast, gunshot or stabbing. This course can also be used for workers in remote areas where definitive medical care is not minutes away but hours. The course instructs delegates in the use of first care dressings, haemostatic dressings, CAT Tourniquets and how to improvise dressings from what you have around you when no first aid equipment is available. The course is designed for either security staff working in the Uk or in hostile environments, forest workers, arborists, construction workers, expedition leaders and companies who feel their staff would benefit from this type of training.
SAFETAC / METHANE/MIST Reports for calling in a medical emergency
Anatomy and Physiology
First Care Bandages
CAT Tourniquets and improvised tourniquets.
Hemostatic dressings such as Celox, Quick Clot and Hemcon.
Bolin – Chest Wounds
How to treat ballistic, bomb blast and knife injuries.
Remote Areas Injuries