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Building Relationships at Work - one day course

by Mihaela Diaconu

Languages: English, Romanian

Price (from): €2,498 / day

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About the trainer:

Mihaela is a business psychologist that focuses on leadership, career transitions, people and organisational development/ effectiveness coaching, facilitation and consulting and who supports and challenges her clients in a balanced and productive way. Mihaela's mission is to support humans flourish at work and build thriving workplaces and communities, using business psychology principles, one conversation, one experience, and one process at a time. As a trainer & facilitator, Mihaela is a very engaging, energetic trainer and facilitator, with an uplifting attitude. Her coaching skills are supporting her to ensure these sessions are focusing on the participant's needs, and the feedback received has been extremely positive. Her message is that training starts during the session, the value being in applying and working with the learning, and she helps participants create tailored and achievable action plans and commitments, so the value of the session had together continued over time in helping participants shape new behaviours towards leadership, team and organisational success.


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Building Relationships at Work - one day course by Mihaela Diaconu

About the training

This course will assist your participants in building positive working relationships with their people.


In business today we need to ensure that the people who work for us are motivated and this had best chance to happen if good positive working relationships exist.


To effectively build relationships participants will benefit from analysing some of the different personalities they encounter and learn how to overcome the barriers in interactig that may exist.


Participants will learn how assertiveness impacts on relationships and discover why trust is a crucial element and a foundation to any meaningful relationship.


We will cover areas such as:


What is a Relationship? – Determining what a relationship is and discussing methods of overcoming barriers in building relationships.


Transactional Analysis – Introducing transactional analysis and examining how our behaviours trigger behaviours in others and vice versa.


Betari’s Box – The link between attitude and behaviour in communication and how a circle of negativity can easily form…or, break the link and make it positive!


The OK Corral – Giving relationships the best chance of succeeding by exploring personal feelings and considering others


Building Trust – Examining how trust plays a major part in building and maintaining relationships and where opportunities exist to build trust. How to build trust and what approach is needed to make a relationship work.


Using Assertive Behaviour – Studying how assertive behaviour impacts on building relationships and identifying the difference between assertive, aggressive and passive behaviour. This course is interactive and full of relevant activities.


At the end of this Building Relationships at Work course, participants will be able to:


  • Identify how barriers to building relationships can be overcome by recognising attitude and behaviours in themselves and others
  • Explain the importance of trust in a relationship and identify methods of developing trust
  • Recognise the difference between assertive, aggressive and passive behaviours and how these impact on relationships.

Main benefits

  • #Wide collection of the biggest experts
  • #Filters for all kinds of needs
  • #User friendly platform
  • #Fast and cheap
  • #Highest level of proficiency