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Effective Communication Skills - one day course

by Mihaela Diaconu

Languages: English, Romanian

Price (from): €2,500 / day

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About the trainer:

Mihaela is a business psychologist that focuses on leadership, career transitions, people and organisational development/ effectiveness coaching, facilitation and consulting and who supports and challenges her clients in a balanced and productive way. Mihaela's mission is to support humans flourish at work and build thriving workplaces and communities, using business psychology principles, one conversation, one experience, and one process at a time. As a trainer & facilitator, Mihaela is a very engaging, energetic trainer and facilitator, with an uplifting attitude. Her coaching skills are supporting her to ensure these sessions are focusing on the participant's needs, and the feedback received has been extremely positive. Her message is that training starts during the session, the value being in applying and working with the learning, and she helps participants create tailored and achievable action plans and commitments, so the value of the session had together continued over time in helping participants shape new behaviours towards leadership, team and organisational success.


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Effective Communication Skills - one day course by Mihaela Diaconu

About the training

Effective communication skills are the cornerstone to success in the business world today.

Every job, no matter what it is, requires excellent communication capabilities. If you want to progress in your role, you need to be able to both express yourself clearly and be able to listen and understand the needs, wants and intentions of others when they communicate.

Communicating effectively is a cornerstone to building positive working relationships; it will enable participants to build rapport, develop relationships and feel comfortable and confident around others.

People who can communicate effectively are great at getting others to open up and discuss feelings and emotions. They can respond appropriately during difficult conversations and feel less pressure when communicating with other leaders, stakeholders and peers.

Perhaps you’re looking to improve the performance of a team that lacks communication skills and cannot work together effectively.

Or you might want to include communication training as part of management, leadership and supervisor development. Whatever your need, this course provides a route to developing comprehensive communication skills to make your life easy, therefore participants would be better able to:

  • Inspire people around them, bringing out the best in each and every individual.
  • Overcome communication barriers and improve working relationships.
  • Create a positive work environment through proactive discussions. Improve their self-awareness when communicating and reduce office friction.
  • Simply communicate quickly and efficiently for overall organisational success.
  • Keep their discussions focused on clear outcomes.

Ultimately this course will allow you to nurture a workforce that is better able to communicate with customers as well as the people within their own organisation.

Improved communication means improved results.

With a mix of practical exercises participants will remain engaged throughout.

The Effective Communication Skills course will help develop your participants communication skills and ensure they understand others, whilst getting their own message across clearly and in a way that fosters positive relationships.

They’ll learn what it takes to be a successful communicator and how best to communicate confidently with people at all levels.

The main areas of the course:

Understanding Communication – A chance for participants to establish their view of what communication means and perhaps more importantly, what is means to them. Participants will then review the three main components of communication; verbal, paraverbal and non-verbal.

Communication Styles – Participants will explore their own communication styles and establish the positive and negative aspects of these preferences and what that means when communicating.

Communication Attitude – Reviewing the aspects of communication attitudes that can be portrayed – aggressive, assertive, passive and passive aggressive.

Communicate Confidently – Focusing on what makes people confident communicators, understanding what their own communication strengths are and acknowledging when to apply them.

Active Listening – Identifying the benefits of active listening and practicing the skill with colleagues.

Clarifying and Questioning – A review of the different types of questioning and clarifying that can be used. Understanding the purpose of alternative questioning approaches, applying them to different scenarios and explaining how and why they are used.

Non-Verbal communication – Establishing the impact of non-verbal communication. How to read it and how to improve their own. This includes, facial expressions, body language, gestures, personal space and touching.

Getting Your Message Across – Helping to ensure others understand you, what makes communication become confused and how to use the ‘headline’ approach to structure an effective message. Looking at what they say, how they say it and focusing on the needs of the person receiving the message. The section closes with a look at how to invite questions and feedback.

Difficult Communication – A provision of clear guidelines and advice on what to do when communication does not go smoothly, how to manage criticism and give criticism whilst remaining constructive and positive.

Putting it all into Practice – A chance to develop and practice the skills of communication whilst further exploring three key topics of communication…

  • How to Persuade and Influence Others
  • Giving Advice and Information
  • Giving Positive Feedback.


At the end of this communication skills training course, your participants will be able to:

  • Communicate clearly and get their message across
  • Encourage others to open up and speak freely with them
  • Communicate confidently with people at all levels
  • Cope with difficult communication situations.

Main benefits

  • #Wide collection of the biggest experts
  • #Filters for all kinds of needs
  • #User friendly platform
  • #Fast and cheap
  • #Highest level of proficiency