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C-Level Executive Change Leadership

by Peter Taylor

Languages: English

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About the trainer:

Peter Taylor is a PMO expert who has built and led five global PMOs across several industries and has advised many other organizations in PMO and PM strategy. He is also the author of the number 1 bestselling project management book ‘The Lazy Project Manager’, along with many other books on Project Management, PMO development, Executive Sponsorship, Transformational Leadership, and Speaking Skills. In the last 5 years, he has delivered over 350 lectures around the world in over 25 countries and has been described as ‘perhaps the most entertaining and inspiring speaker in the project management world today’. His mission is to teach as many people as possible that it is achievable to ‘work smarter and not harder’ and to still gain success in the battle of the work/life balance. More information can be found at

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C-Level Executive Change Leadership by Peter Taylor

About the training

##change   ##leadership   ##strategy   ##c-level   ##transformation   ##projectmanagement

Executives – Stop failing your Projects! or How to get fired at the ‘C’ Level ( a 2-3 hour Workshop) A four-year study by interviewing over 1,000 board members from 286 public and private organizations that fired, or otherwise forced out, their chief executive found that the number one reason CEO’s got fired was …. Wait for it …. Mis-managing change! And so the cry goes up ‘Executives; stop failing your projects!’ Yes! you read that right – not ‘Executives; stop your failing projects’ but ‘Executives; stop failing your projects’ In ‘Why good strategies fail: Lessons for the C-suite’ published by The Economist Intelligence Unit Limited in 2013 the report stated, in the conclusion, that there was a need for increased C-suite attention to implementation (therefore projects) ‘Leadership support is the most important factor in successful strategy execution, yet a substantial number of survey respondents indicate that the C-suite is insufficiently involved’. This is why I make the loud and bold challenge that ‘Executives are failing their projects’ and I strongly believe that this situation needs to stop – now! The workshop will explore the true value of your Strategic Change Portfolio (Projects) – it will be bigger than you think – and will explain why it, and you, and your organisation, are at real risk of failure (and wasting a lot of that investment dollars).

Learning outcomes

Stimulate Executive Understanding of True Change Impact

The workshop will explore the true value of your Strategic Change Portfolio (Projects) – it will be bigger than you think – and will explain why it, and you, and your organisation, are at real risk of failure (and wasting a lot of that investment dollars).


  • Transformation Challenges

  • Change Leadership

  • Customised for each Executive Team

Main benefits

  • #Wide collection of the biggest experts
  • #Filters for all kinds of needs
  • #User friendly platform
  • #Fast and cheap
  • #Highest level of proficiency