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Stability Testing Of Pharmaceuticals

by Raymond Munden

Languages: English

Price (from): €1,488 / day

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About the trainer:

Dr. Munden has more than 40 years experience in pharmaceutical research and development of which 33 years were with GlaxoSmithKline, his last position there being Head of Analytical Services Europe. He has extensive knowledge of all aspects of pharmaceutical development, with expertise in analytical method development and validation, analytical equipment qualification, degradation chemistry studies, chemometrics and in particular, is an acknowledged expert instability testing and management. He is now a Pharmaceutical Development Consultant and is a skilled trainer in various aspects of Pharmaceutical Development having run numerous training courses worldwide and has also lectured on Pharmaceutical Analysis MSc courses. He is a past Chairman and current committee member of the Joint Pharmaceutical Analysis Group in the UK.


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Stability Testing Of Pharmaceuticals by Raymond Munden

About the training

#stability testing   #pharmaceuticals

A 2-day course on all aspects of stability testing that will enable attendees to fully understand the rationale for stability testing and how to carry it out in a highly efficient manner.

In addition, there will be various exercises to reinforce the learnings.

Learning outcomes

Multiple Solutions

Understand the rationale for stability testing; Understand how to assess data and how to set shelf lives; Understand the effect of packaging on stability

Improve the chance of regulatory approval

Learn which guidelines are available and how to use them to their benefit and improve the chance of regulatory approval

Correct stability testing

Understand the correct stability testing to be carried out following changes to products

Design stability protocol

Learn how to design stability protocols in the most efficient manner enabling significant costs savings


  • Background to Stability Testing and Guidelines

  • Storage Tests, Conditions and Protocols

  • Requirements for Existing Products, Line Extensions and Variations

  • Management of Stability Samples and Facilities

  • Developing Robust, Stability Indicating Methods

  • Light stability testing

  • Data Treatment, Shelf Life Assignment and Extrapolation

  • Packaging considerations

  • Sundry considerations

  • Matrixing and Bracketing Stability Studies

Main benefits

  • #Wide collection of the biggest experts
  • #Filters for all kinds of needs
  • #User friendly platform
  • #Fast and cheap
  • #Highest level of proficiency

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