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Next Generation Performance Management (PM)and Performance Appraisals (PA)

by Robert Mosley

Languages: English

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About the trainer:

Robert Mosley is widely recognized in many industries and many countries as one of the leading
global experts on compensation and benefits, and is also a leading expert in the more
the general field of human resources and performance management. His main areas of expertise and
specialism is in the fields of job analysis, job descriptions, job evaluation, grading schemes, pay
structures, allowances, bonuses and incentives, industrial relations and collective agreements, e-HR
systems, performance management, performance appraisals, and all issues on compensation and
benefits globally, especially in Europe and the GCC and Asia having worked in these regions for
over 30 years.

Robert has over 30 years of experience in HR and C&B, and he developed a detailed interest in
compensation and benefits when he was employed by Hay Group (Hay Management Consultants)
in the UK and UAE from 1985-1990, during which time he became a recognized expert on HR
issues in several industries, and did HR consulting work in over 20 countries in Europe and Asia,
mainly in the areas of compensation and total rewards. On leaving Hay Group, he joined Emirates
Group and Emirates Airline based in Dubai where he worked for 13 years from 1990-2003 and he
was promoted to SVP Human Resources with over 22,000 employees in 60 countries. At all times,
Robert kept a detailed hands-on role on all remuneration policies globally, and on all general HR
policies and procedures. In 2003, Robert left Emirates Group to establish his own consulting
business focusing on HR and C&B called Lemon Pip Consulting Limited, and over the past six years, he has developed a very successful specialist consulting practice with over 200 clients. His two main
areas of specialism are working with clients in Europe and the Middle East regions and in the
global aviation industry.

Robert was awarded the “Global Human Resources Leadership Award” in February 2017 by the
“World HR Congress” to recognize his global “guru” status and his iconic work in the field of compensation.


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Next Generation Performance Management (PM)and Performance Appraisals (PA) by Robert Mosley

About the training

#managing performance   #measuring performance   #manage appraisal ratings   #top-performing employees   #good performance culture

Establishing and managing a performance management culture, determining Key Results Areas (KRAs), setting objectives and the traditional Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), adopting the new approach of setting monthly milestones and using MSCs, and establishing the right competencies and behaviours for all the roles in an organisation are some of the critical cornerstones of any HR department. It is crucial to design and define the right performance management system that supports your organisation’s goals and business objectives and encourages the development of each individual employee. HR professionals already know that individual performance management is an important tool for improving organizational performance. This course shows in a practical way: 1. How to get an individual performance management system working successfully 2. How to achieve and implement and a culture of performance management

Learning outcomes

Increase the effectiveness of employee performance appraisals

Support business effectiveness by implementing a best-practice performance management system and performance appraisal process.

Critically analyse and develop your own performance management system

Increase overall business and individual employee performance by developing clear objectives in the new format of MSCs which explain to your employees what is expected of them.

Learn about different types of performance appraisal systems used globally

Understand the three critical components of an effective performance management system which include setting objectives, measuring competencies and planning development, and drive performance by developing SMART objectives as part of performance management.

Use best practice for performance appraisals and rating scales

Develop an appreciation of the commonly used best-practice approaches and formats for employee performance appraisals and performance rating scales


  • How to achieve and implement a culture of performance management

  • What Is Performance Management?

  • The Three Critical Pillars of “Performance Management” (OCD)

  • Creating A Performance Culture

  • Performance Based on Objectives And Goals

  • Performance Based on Competencies And Behaviours

  • Performance Improvement by Development Planning

  • The Critical Design Choices for “Performance Appraisals”

  • Managing the Distribution Curve of Appraisal Ratings

  • Appraisal Forms

  • Performance Appraisal Cycle and Planning

  • Preparing For An Appraisal Discussion

  • Key Skills In Performance Appraisal

Main benefits

  • #Wide collection of the biggest experts
  • #Filters for all kinds of needs
  • #User friendly platform
  • #Fast and cheap
  • #Highest level of proficiency

More trainings of the trainer

Advanced Compensation and Benefits Job Evaluation and Grades

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