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Leading High Performance Teams

by Robin Jacobs

Languages: English

Price (from): €1,200 / day

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About the trainer:

Robin is a ‘go to’ expert on all aspects of designing and implementing full cycle, strategic, talent management system, change management processes and leadership development.

As a qualified and experienced psychologist, he understands the critical nature that talent processes, change management and leadership can play in either underpinning or undermining business success and growth.

His psychological knowledge and insight about people and building relationships combined with his understanding of the commercial imperatives of managing large, growing businesses enables him to partner with senior people in the design and management of talent development strategies that can support and  drive business success


  • Talent Management Design –  Leading projects from start to finish including all aspects of the talent cycle.
  • Leadership Development – Designing and delivering pan European and global programmes for senior, C suite teams
  • The strategy led, culture change – Supporting clients in clarifying business strategy and identifying and managing  the cultural change necessary to successfully implement a strategy
  • Succession Planning – Designing, implementing and managing corporate-wide programmes aimed at increasing engagement and reducing recruitment costs.
  • Executive Coaching – As a  qualified executive coach delivering literally hundreds of programmes to a wide range of senior people. Also, designing and implementing internal, coaching skills programmes



  • PhD – Applied Psychology – Cranfield University
  • MSc – Human Resources Management
  • BSc – Development Economics
  • Associate Fellow- British Psychological Society

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Leading High Performance Teams by Robin Jacobs

About the training

#team leading

Businesses increasingly have to adapt themselves to exponential levels of change in the world today. Teams and teamwork are no exception to this since there are a number of factors today that mean that we have to think and behave differently in the way that we form and lead teams. So for example in many larger, global businesses, teams operate remotely from one another and are changing from individually rewarding to team rewarding. As a result, the role of the team leader is changing as well from ‘doer’ to ‘developer and inspirer’ of people. Also, increasingly, in order to achieve optimum results, we need to take account of the ‘inheritance factor’, making the best of what you’ve got. So we need to take a fresh look at how teams are formed, led, operate and achieve optimal performance This course will provide you with all the practical techneques and tools that you need to identify, lead and be able to achieve outstanding results with your team

Learning outcomes


Understand the dynamics of high performing teams (HPT’s).

Team development

Help delegates to develop their teams to achieve high performance.

Techniques and ideas

Provide techniques and ideas for delegates

Individual action plans

Help delegates to create individual action plans to begin the process back at work.


  • The traditional approach to team performance

  • The need for a different approach

  • The six, team basics

  • Different team approaches

  • The key research findings

  • Defining high performance teams

  • Building team performance

  • Team leaders and leadership

Main benefits

  • #Wide collection of the biggest experts
  • #Filters for all kinds of needs
  • #User friendly platform
  • #Fast and cheap
  • #Highest level of proficiency