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Direct Marketing (paper)

by Simon Hinks

Languages: English

Price (from): €400 / day

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About the trainer:

He spent many years in Financial Services, roles included Head of Merchandising, Process Design, and CRM. Data Protection was always been on his agenda and since setting up his business fourteen years ago, he has worked across many different business sectors. For the last four years, he has been working solely on GDPR and its implementation into businesses. All my training can be delivered through Zoom to audiences large and small. When delivering training on-line I tend to break it down into 1 hour chunks with short breaks in between.


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Direct Marketing (paper) by Simon Hinks

About the training

#Direct Marketing (paper format)

How to put a direct campaign together and measure it's success.

1)The brief

2)The list - how is it compiled , gdpr , what information is there.

3)Profiling and segmentation of data

4)Briefing the creative team and the mailing house.

5)The key KPI's

6)Postage - Royal Mail or others

7)Briefing the teams accepting the responses/calls

8)What does success look like

9)Follow ups / speed premiums / Johnson boxes and other direct marketing tricks of the trade.

Main benefits

  • #Wide collection of the biggest experts
  • #Filters for all kinds of needs
  • #User friendly platform
  • #Fast and cheap
  • #Highest level of proficiency

More trainings of the trainer

GDPR Training The right relationship for client and agency

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