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Stefano Calore

Languages: English, Italian

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Training Category Levels
Whole Brain Empowerment - Facilitate the development of your Individual and Team Potential through the Neuroscience (Whole Brain® model) Leadership beginner

Senior consultant/trainer/coach with excellent interpersonal and facilitation skills.
Design and deliver tailor-made training and development programs in Italian, English, calibrating them considering the different learning styles, needs, and levels of experience of people involved.  Ensure concrete capitalization and application of know-how learned in everyday reality.

Expertise includes:
Advanced Communication Skills
Assessment / Development Centre
, Enneagram, Conflict resolution, Lateral Thinking, Leadership, Meeting Skills, Negotiation, Performance Management, Personal Growth Management, Presentation Skills /Public Speaking, Problem Solving, Self-Empowerment, Talent Development, Teambuilding / Teamworking, Time & Stress Management, Train the Trainer

Clients include:
Bayer, Baxter, Becton Dickinson, BNP Paribas, Boston Medical, British American Tabacco, CapGemini, Carlson Wagonlit Travel, Coca Cola, Cordis, E.on, Elica, Enel, Glaxo Smith Klein, Ikea, Merck, Philip Morris, Robert Bosch, Sanofi Aventis, Schering Plough, St.Jude Medical, Technip, Telic, Trelleborg Wheel System, Unicredit, Vodafone, Volkswagen