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Negotiation & Conflict Management Skills

by Yiannis Kalogerakis

Languages: Greek, English

Price (from): €6,000 / day

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About the trainer:

Dr. Kalogerakis was born in Crete in 1957. He received his B.Sc., M.Sc. & Ph.D. from Strathclyde University, Scotland. Since 1982 has worked in a number of managerial positions for national & multinational companies in the UK, the M.East, Greece, and Cyprus. As a frequent keynote speaker in various national and international conferences and as a visiting Professor to various British, Cypriot & Greek Universities, he has given numerous lectures and seminars internationally emphasizing timeless values, business ethics and the anthropocentric approach for sustainable corporate development.

Since 1993 he has lectured regularly at the Hellenic Management Association on People skills, empowerment, motivation, and personal skills development. The programs offered, cover many aspects of soft skill personal development ( from Leading with Emotional Intelligence to Ethics and Culture Change ).  He has given numerous Management Skills Development seminars in 4 continents. The characteristic of all of his empowering & motivational training seminars is the unique anthropocentric and ethical approach which has been developed over the last 37 years of entrepreneurial, managerial and coaching experience.

His company ( JMK ) is actively engaged in various CSR activities around the world & wherever help is needed ( Corporate Social Responsibility ). 
In 2010, he published 20 different anthropocentric seminars on DVD. Today, he is the CEO of JMK, with offices in Greece & Cyprus specializing in Anthropocentric Human Resource Development.

Here are 4 links from past speeches of his :

  1. TEDx seminar here:
  2. BLD   seminar here:
  3. Aristotelis 2014 seminar here:
  4. Printcomm seminar here:

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Negotiation & Conflict Management Skills by Yiannis Kalogerakis

About the training

Business professionals spend as much as 60% of their time in situations that require negotiating with others such as suppliers, customers, and colleagues. Negotiation is a specific skill which professionals need if they are to meet organizational objectives, influence people and make the best use of all available resources. Good business is built on good relationships and the skill in maintaining and developing these relationships is critical. But conflict is unavoidable, even in the best of relationships as different needs, values and opinions are all part of everyday life.

Learning outcomes


Negotiate to achieve mutual benefit ( win-win ); Develop an effective plan & strategy for any negotiation

Preparation & Planning

Recognize when & how to make concessions; Exercise better preparation & planning


Better understand the dynamics of interpersonal & group conflict; Develop strategies and skills to resolve conflict with individuals & groups


  • Introductions, course & participants objectives

  • Defining negotiation, the process & the key skills

  • Preparing to negotiate

  • Key factors in successful negotiation

  • Dealing with open & hidden conflict

  • The negotiation process

  • Increasing success through effective communication & listening skills

  • Maintaining personal power, self control and remaining focused

  • Understanding body language

  • Ergonomic office & chair arrangements for effective negotiating

  • Asking & handling effectively various types of questions

  • Handling dirty tricks

  • Review, summarizing, concluding, verifying & continuous improvement on negotiations

  • ...

Main benefits

  • #Wide collection of the biggest experts
  • #Filters for all kinds of needs
  • #User friendly platform
  • #Fast and cheap
  • #Highest level of proficiency