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FAQ - For Trainers

For Trainers



  1. Why should I choose Trainergram?

There are several reasons for working with us.

  1. First of all, we are a Global web site, having a huge base of the most qualified and well-known clients from all around the World.
  2. Our experience, almost a decade role, in organizing In-house training, Master Classes, and Conferences, made us experts in recognizing the market needs. Multinational companies from all around the World had an opportunity to use our services, meaning that we have already established a strong professional network with relevant people.
  3. We provide you with support with negotiation if needed.
  4. We make this process runs smoothly, do reliable research for you, and your only task is to make a profile which will represent your previous professional experience in the best way.
  5. We really must appreciate technology, for making our lives easier and our business more efficient than never before!!

2. How much does the account cost?

That's an easy answer: We don't charge fees for your User Account.

We only charge a 20% booking fee when you receive and accept a booking for your trainings. 20% is NOT DEDUCTED from fees written on the profile (for more information, feel free to Contact Us through the chat box or on the contact details). We would be more than happy to explain this part.

3. How to add content to your Profile?

  1. Click the profile button found on the right side of the desktop, on the top of the page and select Account Settings. 


  1. Click the profile button found on the right side of the desktop, on the top of the page and select Account Settings. 


  1. Click the | General | Prices | Training | Categories | Password | Profile | button to change the desirable content.

4. Will I be directly contacted by the Client?

You will get direct notification on your registered email address. The access to direct message you have to Sign In and open the message through your profile. This way, you can directly communicate with the clients. Alternatively you can get connected by Trainergram as some clients prefer us to give a full service and organize everything for them.

4.1. Where can I find Messages Button?

Click the profile button found on the right side of the desktop, on the top of the page and select My Messages.

5. Can I connect my LinkedIn account to the profile?

Importing other details of your professional LinkedIn profile is not allowed by LinkedIn due to some restrictions in their policy. However, creating these items on Trainergram is very quick and simple. All you need to do is fill in the input fields and in a few minutes, you can publish your profile.

6. Can I register my Website/Company/Consultancy/Agency as a separate profile?

No. The site is created to promote trainers individually. Therefore, only registration with personal name and surname is allowed. However, any link you consider important can be included as a part of your biography.

7. What happens after I register?

After you register, your profile will go through the verification process and will take no longer than one working day to be approved by our side. After that, your profile will be visible to yall the visitors of the website.

8. How to reset a lost or forgotten password?

-          From your logged in account, click on the Forgot password button

-          Enter your email.

-          Open an email and click on the link

-          Choose your new password.

-          Save your changes by clicking save changes.

9. What about email and phone number discoverability?

That information will not be presented and is NOT ALLOWED to be presented anywhere in the profile.

10. Can I leave my email and phone number in the biography?

No. You will be contacted directly by the client through the platform.

11. Can I use Trainergram on my Mobile device?

Yes. Trainergram is user-friendly for iPhone, iPad, Tablet, Android and PC.

12. How do I know if the client requested training from me?

Once the Client filled to send the “book now” request, the Trainer will receive an automatic notification on your registered email address. A trainer can confirm it by clicking the “Accept” button, or ignore it.

13. Does Trainergram organize my traveling and book the hotel?

Our organizational team can assist you in this process, but it usually handled by the Clients who requested your training. For more information and support, please Contact Us.

14. How do I open an account with you? How long will it take?

If you want to open an account you can do it over the phone or online.

Opening an account online should only take a few minutes and we can usually make your profile visible latest one working day (we'll need to verify your identity).

Over the phone shouldn't take longer than 10 minutes.

15. In what currency should my fees be presented?

The fees should be present in euros (EUR).

16. How do you guarantee that I will get bookings?

Through creating Trainergram profile, we cannot guarantee how many training requests you will receive. We make sure that we are constantly making strong connections and partnerships with dozens of companies that are going to source their next trainer through Trainergram website.

Here are some practical tips to present your profile in an attractive way:

- Clear and Professional Profile Photo

- Fill Out ALL the Details on Your Profile

- Your Training Programs and Topics as it is an important feature for your trainer profile page.

- Keep Your Language simple and easy to read
- Add Media that will show off your skills


Request testimonials from previous clients and audiences