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Solution Selling

by Ahmed Bakier

Languages: English

Price (from): €1,200 / day

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About the trainer:

Mr. Bakier 19 years of extensive experience in Training Management, Retail Sales & Service, Business Development, Key Account Management for UHNW with Multinational Banks. Part-Time Instructor - Free Lancer Trainer – Senior Business Consultant for  ( AUC - TAG Co. for Consulting -Quick Wins Co. for Training –Skills World Wide Co.  - New Vision for Consulting ). The current position in QNB is Regional Manager – Retail Direct Banking. 
MBA (International Business), Certified Retail Banking Specialist from AUC in Egypt, Certified Trainer from London – Bob Pike Group with cooperation with LTC Co.
Notable Accomplishments: 1st Rank among Trainers Team in NSGB & 1st Rank in East Cairo Region – Best Performance as a UHNW Area Manager.
Received ‘Word of Merit’ for the best performance from NSGB Life Insurance Co.


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Solution Selling by Ahmed Bakier

About the training

#Sales & Marketing   #Client needs   #Customer care   #Productivity

Due to the complexity of selling today and the aggressive target must be achieved, Solution Selling Course is the right decision for all sales staff. They need to follow a creative approach in solving client’s problems by selling their products to increase the profitability.

Course Duration : 3 Days

Learning outcomes


Understanding the difference between Sales & Marketing


Useing creative ways to understand the client needs; Mastering sales; Mastering customer care


Your productivity will increase and your performance will be more professional


  • Understanding the Concept of Solution Selling

  • Understanding Why we sell ? What is Selling ? Types of Selling ?

  • The difference between Needs and Wants and Demand and How People select their products.

  • Stages of the consumer buying process.

  • Buying Cycle, FAB, OBP and SPIN Selling.

  • Role of 50.

  • Not Closing but Commitment.

  • Active Listening.

  • Handling Complains.

  • Quick Tips to avoid some branch’s mistakes.

  • Mastering Customer Care.

  • Essential for seller (Salesmen Characteristics - Time Management – Business Dress Code – Body Language – Phone Etiquette – Writing Great Sales Proposal).

Main benefits

  • #Wide collection of the biggest experts
  • #Filters for all kinds of needs
  • #User friendly platform
  • #Fast and cheap
  • #Highest level of proficiency

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