Languages: English
Price (from): €1,200 / day
Alison specializes in Design and Facilitation of interpersonal skills, team & leadership development, behavioral training and change management. Alison is passionate about development and is a Master Practitioner and Coach in NLP, an mBIT Coach, an Assessor and an MBTI Practitioner.
She is an energetic individual, with excellent people and relationship building skills. F A C I L I T A T I O N Coaching - executive & personal Customer Service Change Management Emotional Intelligence Equality for Customers & Colleagues Mental Health in the Workplace Neuro-Linguistic Programming Recruitment Leadership Development including:
Dealing with Change Effective Communication Foundations of being a Leader Leading Self and Others Managing Performance (Development Planning & Objective Setting) Working with High & Low-Performance P E O P L E Communication Understanding Self and Others Managing Self and Others
About the training
#effective communication #verbal and non-verbal communication #communication styles #challenging situations
When the client first approached AHC Learning Ltd. they had identified communications as an area where the business could improve. We designed the Effective Communications workshop in order to help develop this key area. The audience was first-level supervisors through to senior managers, and the course was initially delivered as a full-day workshop. An additional workshop was later also requested by the company and is now part of their offering.
One of the challenges the client had identified was that there was a large amount of miscommunication between colleagues and failure to set expectations for people within the business. This had resulted in an unhappy workforce with a high number of grievances.
In this industry, people tend to be very straight-talking and direct. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but can sometimes cause offence to some people, even though it may be unintended.
The workshop was designed to help managers make small bite-size changes to their approach, which could lead to more effective communications between colleagues, especially during challenging situations.
Full-day workshop
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