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Dorothea Sztopko

Languages: German, English, Spanish, French, Hungarian, Polish, Russian

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Training Category Levels
Operational Excellence: How to achieve a mind set of continous improvement within all layers of your organization? IT Details
Digitalization: How to assess your Digital DNA and find the right pace of your Digital Transformation IT Details

Board Member (COO) with broad functional expertise and focus on strategy development and strategy execution. Experienced in Operational Excellence and Change Management program implementation on international level. More than ten years of international management experience in different board and senior management positions (COO and 5 years CFO) speaking seven languages fluently. Known as target orientated, passionate and highly motivated problem solver. Relevant areas of expertise include: • Strategy definition and execution • Process Excellence/ Lean SixSigma • Finance Management/Controlling • IT Project management • International Program Management • Change Management • Due Diligence and post merger integration • 7 languages (GER, HUN, PL, RUS, ENGL, FR, ESP) • International Management Experience (RUS, UKR, GER, DK, SK, CZ, HUN, ROM)