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by Evan Fotis

Languages: Greek, English

Price (from): €1,200 / day

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About the trainer:

Evan Fotis Georgoulakis is a Greek-American Physiognomist & artist.
This method, dates back to Aristotle studies & evaluates the facial structure and individual features to reveal clues about personality and predispositions.
His insight has been sought by forensic departments, politicians, business people, by corporations and organizations. Amongst others Air-France, Curves, Nautica, Pernod-Ricard, East West Intitute, AHEPA, Piraeus Bank, National Technical University of Athens and YPO International.
BBC World Service, CNN, London’s Times, Daily Record, Elle, as well as most major Greek newspapers and magazines like Kathimerini, To Vima, Proto Thema, Eleutherotypia, Ethnos, Espresso have solicited his services.
Evan's workshops and lectures can help participants optimize their communicating, public speaking, and hiring skills.
Commissions include a client list with personalities such as the late Princess Diana, Bill Clinton and Al Gore.
Evan appears regularly on Greek television, especially during campaign season, analyzing political candidates and personalities.
True Face was created by Evan Fotis, focusing on the optimization of behavioral and communication skills offering character assessment and profiling, for HR, Leadership programs as well as one on one coaching and group workshops on personal communication & public speaking.
Co-founder of Face your Strengths® assessment & coaching, this unique methodology is used in order to develop individualized communication strategies. A person's potential is assessed through Morpho-psychology & Positive psychology, then coached and conditioned for a highly individualized outcome empowering one’s natural strengths.
As part of the visual communication services, True face offers video production services for corporate presentations, as well as customized visuals and animation for presentations and promotional material designed to enhance and empower conveying ideas effectively


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About the training

#Physiognomy   #Personal Communication   #Morpho-psychology   #Image building


Entrepreneurs, executives, managers, consultants, and anyone interested in expanding their personal communication impact.


Visual communication is arguably the most direct and powerful form of interpersonal communication. Within the first 4 seconds of a face-to-face encounter, we all subconsciously decide whether we like someone or not. Within the first 30 seconds, interest associations are settled so we better have captured people’s attention or their focus drifts away. We cannot have a second “First Impression”. Our brain processes images 60 000 times faster than text.

Physiognomy & Morpho-Psychology are evolutionary methodologies with ancient Greek roots that can decode information conveyed through the human face, its proportions, individual characteristics and expressions. Their assessment reveal personality traits, tendencies and emotional states.

By applying their rules, we can gain insight into our core personality strengths and the driving forces behind our behaviour and actions, which make us who we truly are.


  • What does your face reveal about your personality?
  •  How you are truly perceived by your peers, friends, or partner?


Our face takes us to a unique journey of self-discovery, exploring the evolutionary, social, and psycho¬logical aspects of our personality.

The face is blueprint of our identity both for ourselves and others. It is our social mask through which we communicate with the outer world. Physiognomy sets the foundations for self-improvement, cultivating sharper awareness of our unique identity, but also an insight into people’s behaviour.


In today’s era of artificial intelligence, big data and globalization, the need for effective communication and strong interpersonal relations is of utmost importance. Our success or failure in any field of life hugely depends on our ability to communicate effectively and persuade people around us.

  • Professionally with our bosses, clients, colleagues or personnel
  • In relations with our friends and significant other
  • In our family with our spouse and children.
  • In education with our pupils. 

Learning outcomes

Develop sensory acuity

Cultivate sensory acuity and visual pattern recognition.

Read facial cues

Learn how facial expressions and posture give away emotional states even before we say a word.

Real world applications

Understand how to use Physiognomy to effectively decode people’s personality traits and tendencies. Save precious time and energy by learning to anticipate a person’s behaviour and actions.

Put it tgether

Optimize our personal communication impact.


  • Personal Communication & Physiognomy

Main benefits

  • #Wide collection of the biggest experts
  • #Filters for all kinds of needs
  • #User friendly platform
  • #Fast and cheap
  • #Highest level of proficiency

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