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Radosław Naremski

Languages: English, Polish

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Training Category Levels
Professional Scrum Master (PSM1) preparation course Project Management beginner

I worked in Consulting, IT and FMCG sector in various roles, but most of my career was at Hewlett-Packard where I joined as a member of the technical support team, then advanced to be an IT Consultant, Delivery Lead for multiple projects, Manager of project teams and Head of IT Delivery Organization. Later I also led financial investment projects for individual customers and was a member of a project team working on AML compliance in financial institutions. I have a number of Project Management certifications, both in the traditional domain – PMP, PRINCE2 – and Agile – AgilePM, PSM1, PRINCE2Agile. I am also experienced in service provision, holding ITIL v2 Manager and v3 Expert certifications.