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An Coppens

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Gamification in HR MasterClass HR beginner

An Coppens is the Chief Game Changer at Gamification Nation Ltd, which offers gamification design solutions
and an online gamification community. The company is based in London and serving clients worldwide from well-known brands to a smaller product focused SMEs. Her solutions are designed to encourage winning behaviors and improve business results in the areas of sales, marketing, HR, learning and productivity. She is an award-winning business coach, speaker, learning & development professional and author of several books including “Gamification in business” and “Tapping into the crowd”. In February 2016 she was recognized at the World HRD Congress in Mumbai as an HR tech visionary.

In her career An has worked in learning and development and change management roles for Modern Times
Group, Sigma Management Consultants, Philips Electronics and Arthur Andersen Business Consulting. She was
a guest expert on the TV show “How long will you live” for RTE in Ireland. For 10 years An ran a successful business coaching practice in Cork, Ireland with B/Right Business Coaching. She holds a BA (Hon) in International Marketing and Languages from Dublin City University and an MBA from the Open University Business School
in the UK. She holds a gamification master qualification from the Engagement Alliance and has completed a number of online gamification courses.

Projects she has worked on included reviewing onboarding of sales staff and their recognition, assisting managers with getting ready for new hires, website gamification, gamification of an in-house learning curriculum, membership site gamification, etc. Increasing engagement is always our key focus.