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Search Inside Yourself program

by Cristina Jardón

Languages: English, Spanish

Price (from): €1 / day

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About the trainer:

Throughout my life I have discovered how thoughts feed emotional states, and how they influence behaviors and these, in turn, on the results I get. Caring for the mental aspect is the key to moving towards a life in harmony, on a personal and professional level.


Expert in Emotional Intelligence, Mindfulness, and Compassion. Pedagogue and certified coach.

Restless and curious. Here I am. Optimist of birth and training. Passionate about the simple life, without more. Spirituality and transcendence are two of my great values.

Two strokes of effect have marked my personal life. The first one at 21: an accident in which I saw young people of my age die on an end-of-course trip. It was the beginning of a spiritual search to understand the great enigma "who I am, where I come from and where I am going", and I began with the intense practice of different styles of yoga and meditation, spiritual retreats and personal development courses to get to know me, know to others and discover the meaning of life. From that moment I learned that the end can come at any time and I have understood the importance of living in the here and now.

In my second stroke, at 35 years of age, I realized that all my personal and practical development of those years ago had been the key to my resilience and my ADAPTATION and HARMONY. The bittersweet best moment of my life so far. I was surprised by my inner strength acquired in my inner development and in the practice of meditation, and it was the beginning of my professional specialization. From this moment I learned that Emotional Intelligence develops throughout life and that it is necessary to be awake, be aware and get out of the known.

In the last 9 years, I have joined my personal experience in the research and study of emotional intelligence, emotional education, neuroscience, mindfulness, the impact of meditation on brain and emotions, of the skills to live in harmony. ... until I became an Expert and dump all that baggage in the educational field - the training of active teachers and future teachers, young people and children - and in the business environment - training for HR, training employees and leaders in Organizations of various sectors.

Through different projects, I have trained more than 2000 teachers in Emotional Intelligence, Mindfulness, and skills such as leadership, decision making, educational coaching, communication or educational innovation. I have trained more than 400 HR students in Emotional Intelligence and Mindfulness in business schools and universities. I have developed a wide variety of in-company courses. I have been a mentor of 450 entrepreneurs in the last 10 years. I have given numerous conferences, workshops and courses, and I have participated as a speaker in several international conferences on Emotional Intelligence and Mindfulness. And like Coach, I have been able to accompany great people to realize their own possibilities.

Certificate in Emotional Intelligence, International Coaching, and Resilience, in MSBR Protocol (Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction) of the University of Massachusetts, in MSC Protocol (Mindful Self-Compassion) of the Center for MSC in the US, in CCT Protocol (Compassion Cultivation Training) of the Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education, Stanford University. Certified Teacher in the SIY (Search Inside Yourself) Program, an international program of Emotional Intelligence, Neuroscience and Mindfulness that was born in Google (Silicon Valley) in 2007.

In all these years I have learned that happiness is not at the end of the road, nor is it a result. It is a process ... a daily conquest.


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Search Inside Yourself program by Cristina Jardón

About the training

#stress   #wellbeing   #leadership   #soft skills   #resiience   #mindfulness   #anxiety   #compassion   #empathy   #team   #culture

«6,500 employees have been trained in the Search Inside Yourself program. I can say that SIY is the most popular program with the greatest impact on SAP, whose results are related to improvement in motivation and leadership levels, and absenteeism reduction ”(Peter Bostelman, Founder and Director of the Global Mindfulness Practice at SAP)

Search Inside Yourself ( SIY ) is a program born in Google in 2007 with the objective of generating spaces for Wellness and Personal Development at work.
Based on Neuroscience, SIY trains attention and emotional intelligence at work for better performance, greater well-being, better team collaboration, and more effective and inspiring leadership.

The program worked on emotional competencies: emotional awareness and self-knowledge (understanding your thoughts, emotions, and habits), emotional self-management (managing your impulses and reactions with skill), motivation (align your values ​​with your work), empathy (understand the feelings and experiences of others) and leadership (influence with wisdom and compassion).

SIY uses tools such as Mindfulness, Coaching and Compassion, and an experiential methodology for the practical integration of content.



Managers: to improve communication, decision making, leadership capacity, and positive impact through the development of self-knowledge and empathy. SIY will allow them to be more inspiring and lead from the presence.

Employees: At Google and SAP, SIY is designed as a program open to all employees. Currently, thousands of employees around the world have done it and it is still the most demanded course in both companies. SIY favors the performance and welfare of employees.

Teams: When team members participate jointly in an SIY course, team communication is improved and the ability to cope with team challenges is reinforced. SIY is very useful for the creation of effective and effective teams.

Organizations: SIY ensures good results in the management of change and adaptation to the VUCA world (volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous) that is lived in organizations.

Possibility of carrying out the program in Spanish and English languages. Various formats

Learning outcomes

Increses Mindfulness

Mindfulness is the ability to stay present and be aware of what’s happening as it’s happening. This is one of the areas where we notice the greatest improvement for the Search Inside Yourself program participants.

Reduces Stress

Surveyed participants reported a reduced level of stress after the Search Inside Yourself program. Through practices primarily around mindfulness, self-awareness, and self-management, the program helps individuals increase well-being.

Strengths Resilience

Resilience is the ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change. Search Inside Yourself teaches practical techniques to help develop emotional resilience, cognitive resilience, equanimity and inner calm.

Improves Empathy

Empathy allows us to be in tune with how others are feeling. It can help improve our social interactions on many levels, such as communication and connection. The SIY program explains the neuroscience of empathy and how to develop habits to increase it in daily interactions.

Main benefits

  • #Wide collection of the biggest experts
  • #Filters for all kinds of needs
  • #User friendly platform
  • #Fast and cheap
  • #Highest level of proficiency

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