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Gavin Ryan

Languages: English, French, Italian

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Training Category Levels
Private Equity Training Finance, Other beginner

Private Equity Fund Manager with experience in Europe, Middle East, and Africa. Managed a $30m venture fund, a $200m growth fund and a €2.5bn renewable energy fund. ✔NED: track record as Non-Executive Director of two European banks, one national European TelCo, two cable TV companies, one chemical producer, one internet service provider, one real estate fund. I have also served on private equity fund Investment Committees. ✔Private Equity training: I conduct training in Europe, the Middle East, also Asia and Africa. My previous clients include Sovereign Wealth Funds, banks and corporates and development banks. Please see my posts and YouTube channel "PEConfidential" for examples of my teaching and contact me if you have any interest in organizing a training. I am also available for online mentoring sessions. ✔Consultant to PE investors and Fund Managers: I have worked with LPs and GPs in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. I also consult on SME access to finance projects in Emerging Markets.

Private Equity Fund Manager with experience in Europe, Middle East, and Africa. Managed a $30m venture fund, a $200m growth fund and a €2.5bn renewable energy fund.

✔NED: track record as Non-Executive Director of two European banks, one national European TelCo, two cable TV companies, one chemical producer, one internet service provider, one real estate fund. I have also served on private equity fund Investment Committees.

✔Private Equity training: I conduct training in Europe, the Middle East, also Asia and Africa. My previous clients include Sovereign Wealth Funds, banks and corporates and development banks. Please see my posts and YouTube channel "PEConfidential" for examples of my teaching and contact me if you have any interest in organizing a training. I am also available for online mentoring sessions.

✔Consultant to PE investors and Fund Managers: I have worked with LPs and GPs in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. I also consult on SME access to finance projects in Emerging Markets.