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Graham Dalton

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Organisation Design HR Details

Graham has over 18,000 hours experience of delivering organisational design projects (over 100 projects and over 50 different clients). Graham provides bespoke organisational design training courses to meet clients' specific needs. Graham has delivered organisational design training in the UK, across Europe, the Middle East, Africa, America and in Asia Graham is also a contracted Adjunct Lecturer for Hult-Ashridge on their Advanced Organisational Design Course.

Graham Dalton is widely recognised as one of the most experienced global organisational design practitioners. Graham has over 20 years’ experience (well over 18,000 hours of client facing organisational design project delivery), delivering over 100 projects with more than 50 different clients. Graham has worked across the private, public and voluntary sectors in a full range of different industries, guiding and facilitating Chief Executives and their top teams in their strategic organisational design assignments. Graham specialises in strategic organisational design, including: senior stakeholder engagement; As-Is assessment; option design and evaluation; co-designing the optimal model for the client’s needs; top team restructuring; governance arrangements; and testing, clarifying, refining and defining the new structure, roles and responsibilities. After 15 years working as a senior operations manager and 15 years working as a Director in PwC, Graham now works as an Independent Management Consultant, Trainer & Coach - and is especially interested in international training assignments. Graham also has a Non-Executive Director role for the Department of Justice in Northern Ireland.