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John Berry

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DISTRIBUTION MASTERCLASS - RETAIL BANKING IN THE NEW DIGITAL ERA: How to adapt and survive in the new world of retail banking where change is coming from many sectors Sales, Other Details

John is an internationally recognized customer experience expert, thought leader and trainer. His extensive experience as the former Managing Director at the bank Abbey National (now part of Banco Santander) long-side his work with businesses over the last decade enable attendees to gain significant insights from his work around the world.

Customer centricity is core to his business focus – seeing the world through the eyes of customers. Business uplifts of +30% have been regularly achieved in his work with banks

During his extensive banking career, his roles included Sales Director (800 branches/ 13000 staff), Marketing Director, Operations Director, European Director and Managing Director (retail)

He received international recognition for customer-centricity innovation in bringing a form of franchising to UK financial services as well as changing the face of high street banking by putting coffee and banking together (Costa Coffee)
Since “retiring” from Abbey at the end of 2003 John has worked throughout the world assisting businesses to improve their performance through increased customer centricity (experience has included many countries in Africa/ SE Asia/ Australia/ Europe/ Middle East, India, Pakistan, Russia, Korea)
His involvement with training companies globally has enhanced his international reputation

He has published work on bank performance and is also a recognized speaker at banking conferences 
In addition to work in the financial services arena, his expertise also incorporates non-FS sectors where he has helped companies dramatically improve performance through creating a “buying culture” ensuring companies look at all aspects of their business from the customer’s perspective

A knowledgeable and very experienced individual John will help challenge existing approaches and methodologies to improve corporate performance. His knowledge of the market changes and the new world challenges facing banks enable him to give added value to senior management teams wishing to differentiate their performance in a crowded marketplace