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Wealth Management – Understanding your Clients as well as your Markets (2 Days)

by Paul Meadows

Languages: English

Price (from): €1,636 / day

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About the trainer:

Paul started his Investment Management career at Royal Insurance in 1983. Following successful completion of the Society of Investment Analysts Associateship, Paul joined the small team managing Royal’s in-house long term UK Equity portfolios.

In 1990, following the lifting of exchange controls in Stockholm, he joined the Swedish insurer Trygg-Hansa’s London start-up operation to manage its UK Equity exposure.

In 1994 Paul moved into the Private Client arena, as part of the Investment Unit of Lloyds Private Banking & over a two year period diversified away from an exclusive analytical/Fund Management role to incorporate an extensive presentational package on the Bank’s investment strategy delivered ‘on the road’ to its network of offices around the country.

In 1996 Paul took the opportunity offered by the Bermuda-domiciled Bank of Butterfield to head up the global Equity research effort in London in support of the Bank’s (offshore) private client base. While his freelance financial training commitments grew, Paul had a spell with an international high-risk security company analyzing the operations of quoted oil & mining corporates worldwide.

In 2000 Paul moved into full-time training with DC Gardner, the in-house tailored training arm of Euromoney Institutional Investor, specializing in Fund Management, Equity Markets, Private Banking & Hedge Funds.

In 2004 he set up his own company, Chadley House Training Limited, structured to work with existing training providers in the market place. The business has grown & diversified the Client base, establishing fresh local relationships with providers in Asia, the Middle East & West Africa.

Clients trained include Citigroup, Man Investments, Axa Investment Managers, Barclays Global Investors, Brevan Howard, Hoare & Co, Renaissance Capital, Nigerian Stock Exchange, Kuwait Investment Authority, Bank of China, Huarong Securities. Paul is also a member of the London Stock Exchange Academy Training Team & an Adjunct Teaching Fellow with the UCL School of Management, delivering a one-term Masters level Investment Management module at their newly established location in Canary Wharf.


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Wealth Management – Understanding your Clients as well as your Markets (2 Days) by Paul Meadows

About the training

#Asset Allocation   #Investment Risk Measurement & Management   #Knowledge on Behavioural Finance   #Understanding Generation Y   #Understanding the requirements of High Net Worth Private Clients   #How to use Beta & measure Alpha

Today's increasingly demanding High Net Worth Private Client Investors could be forgiven for feeling that Wealth preservation rather than a generation was now the priority. In difficult times it is more important than ever for the incumbent custodians of Client Wealth (the Investment Managers) to demonstrate their ability to understand such concerns & communicate how they intend to navigate the markets.

Many theoretical building blocks underpinning the history of Investing have been sorely tested since the Financial crisis of 2007-09. Are Markets ’efficient’? Do we live in a statistically ‘Normal’ world? What happened to ‘Risk-Free Rates of Return’? These important issues will be addressed, from a practical perspective, to understand how today’s Wealth Managers deal with such challenges.

The program will be interactive, with an emphasis on the practical rather than theoretical.

Learning objectives

  • Understanding where new business is to be acquired from
  • Understanding what makes a good Client Relationship Manager
  • What returns do today’s Risk-Free Sovereigns actually generate?
  • Is the past a good guide for the future or not?

The importance of accurately profiling a Client’s Attitude to Investment Risk

Learning outcomes

Handling generation Y

Understanding the importance of handling generation Y as they move ever closer to their inheritance

Risk Free Returns & Equity Risk

Understanding the limitations of historical Risk-Free Returns & Equity Risk Premiums in Portfolio planning today

Find The Answers

What returns do today’s Risk-Free Sovereigns actually generate?; Is the past a good guide for the future or not?

Investment Risk

The importance of accurately profiling a Client’s Attitude to Investment Risk


  • Day One:

  • Understanding the importance of today’s Client Relationship Managers

  • Wealth Management Products and Services

  • Modern Portfolio Theory and Efficient Markets - still relevant today?

  • The impact of Behavioural Finance on Investing Strategies

  • Day Two:

  • An Introduction to Exchange Traded Funds – the new Investing Paradigm

  • Portfolio Construction in Practice for a High Net Worth Client

  • Risk Measurement and Management across the Investable Universe

  • Alternative Investments – A natural choice for High Net Worth Clients?

Main benefits

  • #Wide collection of the biggest experts
  • #Filters for all kinds of needs
  • #User friendly platform
  • #Fast and cheap
  • #Highest level of proficiency